Mid-Atlantic Lighthouses 2021
Mid-Atlantic Lighthouses 2021
America's lighthouses are beautiful symbols of our country's maritime history. While many still exist, countless others have been lost to the ravages of time. Those that remain are precious heirlooms that must be protected. And no one believes that more than the Lighthouse Preservation Society.
The Lighthouse Preservation Society is a non-profit organization focused on saving America's remaining lighthouses from destruction. As of 2021, the organization had been around for over 35 years, during which time it became a leading advocate for lighthouses nationwide. The society has brought up issues at Congressional hearings, conferences, and more. The society has also sponsored National Lighthouse Day and raised millions of dollars for hundreds of lighthouse renovation projects. The society has also nominated 30 US postage stamps honoring lighthouses.
In 2021, the United States Postal Service issued five Forever stamps picturing Mid-Atlantic lighthouses. These included Montauk Point Lighthouse, Navesink Twin Lighthouses, Erie Harbor Pierhead Lighthouse, Harbor of Refuge Lighthouse, and Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse. These stamps bring lighthouses to public attention and remind us all that these beautiful and antique structures are pieces of our nation's history we all need to fight to save.
Product Specs:
Issue: Mid-Atlantic Lighthouses Stamps
Item Number: 481000
Denomination & Type of Issue: First-Class Mail Forever
Format: Pane of 20 (5 designs)
Series: Lighthouses
Issue Date & City: August 6, 2021, Highlands, NJ 07732
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